The School Bytes public payment portal enables you to process non-student online payments (e.g donations, sponsorship) through a secure payment portal.
To make a payment, request the secure payment website link from the school you wish to make a payment to, then follow the steps below.
Please note: Transactions made through the online payment portal will appear on your bank statement as 0SCHOOLSONLINE 0000 PARRAMATTA AU.
Detailed steps
1. Confirm you are using the correct school link by checking the school name in the school details panel on the right hand side of the screen.
2. Select the add item button.
3. Select the items you would like to make a payment for.
4. Select the add items button.
5. Your item charges will be displayed, for items that are unlocked you can change the amount being paid here.
6. Select pay now.
7. Enter the payment details.
8. Select pay.
You will be redirected to a secure Service NSW payment page to enter your credit/debit card details to finalise payment.
9. Payment successful.
Click anywhere outside the receipt prompt to return to the payment portal. A receipt will be automatically emailed to you.
Further assistance
If you have any questions relating to this article, please contact your school.