The School Bytes parent portal provides parents and carers with a booking system for parent-teacher interviews. The streamlined booking system ensures simplicity while instantly securing your preferred interview time slot in real time.
Please note: The interviews booking system is also available in the School Bytes app version of the parent portal. A parent-teacher notification banner will appear on the home screen with a link to make the booking. To view the interviews you will need to ensure you have the latest version of the parent app.
Detailed steps
1. Log into the parent portal –
On the dashboard screen, a red banner will appear, notifying you that parent-teacher interviews are now available for booking.
2. Click on the 'here' hyperlink or select interviews.
You will be re-directed to the interview booking panel to create a new booking.
Students' available sessions will display on the right-hand side of the bookings panel.
3. Select the student's name.
This is your child's name, and if you have multiple children, select the required child.
4. Select an interview session.
5. Select the teacher.
6. Select a date.
7. Select the preferred interview time slot.
Only one (1) time slot can be booked at a time.
8. Optionally, add comments.
9. Select submit.
Your booking has been secured and will show on the 'Your bookings panel' at the bottom of the screen.
10. Optionally select the bin icon to cancel a booking.
Repeat the above steps to make further bookings.
Further assistance
If you have any questions relating to this article, please contact your school.