Your school uses School Bytes for online permission notes and payments that can be accessed via a parent portal. The School Bytes parent portal enables you to view all your children in one portal and process payments for multiple siblings in one transaction.
Once your portal has been activated you can use it to give consent for events, process online payments and view the school calendar.
Please note: Transactions made through the online payment portal will appear on your bank statement as 0SCHOOLSONLINE 0000 PARRAMATTA AU.
Detailed steps
1. Open the parent portal link – – and log in to your portal.
2. Select the payment history icon.
A list of past payments will be displayed.
3. Optionally search for a payment in the search box.
4. Select the arrow to expand the details of the payment.
5. Select the students initials to view the receipt details.
6. Optionally select download for a copy of the receipt.
7. Select close.
Further assistance
If you have any questions relating to this article, please contact your school.